Aerostar S66A Balloons

This website's goal is to show pictures of as many Aerostar S57A balloons as I can find.
If you would like yours added, please send a picture to me:

Spedcial thanks to Alyssa Brown at Balloonacy Limited.
She has put a lot of effort into putting many Aerostar balloons pictures up on FaceBook in the Raven/Aerostar group.
All of the Design Sheets and Factory Inflation pictures came from her.

Special Thanks to Brock Boehm with the Hot Air Balloon Database on flickr

Special Thanks to George Garcia Pictures on flickr

S60A Statistics

 Model   Size  Registered
Serial Number
S66A 126K 101 - ?
S60A 126K 3001 -?

Last updated 7/25/2024      0:11:48

Number of ballloons16
Number of Pictures16
Pictures from Brock Boehm6
Pictures from Geoge Garcia8
Pictures from Jeff Thompson1

NOTE: Sorted by Serial Number

RegSerial NumBrand / ModelBalloon NameCommentOwnerStateDate Added
Back Ground Color = Yellow is a balloon Keith Sproul owns, has owned, or has flown in
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N-42GBS66A-103Aerostar S66AThomas StelmakMT3/22/2024

Picture from George Garcia

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N-57134S66A-108Aerostar S66A3/22/2024

Picture from George Garcia

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N-57139S66A-111Aerostar S66ADenallWas owned by Frank Reed, AK when picture was takenSunset Balloon Flights INCAK3/22/2024

Picture from 1982 U.S. National Championship in Indianola

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N-4396FS66A-150Aerostar S66A3/22/2024

Picture from George Garcia

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N-64547S66A-3010Aerostar S66ASproul Ranch INCNV3/22/2024

Picture from Brock Boehm

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N-6563QS66A-3021Aerostar S66ALake Geneva Balloon Co LLCWI3/22/2024

Picture from Brock Boehm

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N-3339AS66A-3035Aerostar S66AJeff ThompsonFL3/22/2024

Picture from Jeff Thompson

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N-6302NS66A-3040Aerostar S66AShasta3/22/2024

Picture from George Garcia

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N-6353TS66A-3046Aerostar S66ABalloon Quest INCMI3/22/2024

Picture from Brock Boehm

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N-6372YS66A-3048Aerostar S66AThomas RobinsNJ3/22/2024

Picture from George Garcia

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N-9032JS66A-3051Aerostar S66AJady Wade
H I Flight INC

Picture from Brock Boehm

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N-91517S66A-3054Aerostar S66AWilliam CostenCT3/22/2024

Picture from Brock Boehm

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N-7099SS66A-3056Aerostar S66AJohnathan RadowskiAZ3/22/2024

Picture from George Garcia

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N-5089BS66A-3068Aerostar S66ASkycab Balloon Promotions INCKY3/22/2024

Picture from Brock Boehm

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F-GTDNS66A-xxxxAerostar S66AFrance3/22/2024

Picture from George Garcia

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HB-BLIS66A-E-096Aerostar S66ASwitzerland3/22/2024

Picture from George Garcia

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,

for there you have been and there you will long to return."

- Leonardo da Vinci

"It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill."
- Wilbur Wright

"Ballooning is a philosophy of life. You're a prisoner of the wind. You can swear, shout, pray, cry - and it doesn't matter.
But if you change your altitude, you can go a different direction"

- Bertrand Piccard

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away."
- Will Smith

"Time is the most valuable gift you can give someone"
- Unknown

Keith Sproul's Festival History

Scorch the Dragon Hot Air Balloon
Pandy Hot Air Balloon
Tetrahedron Hot Air Balloon
Birthday Cake Hot Air Balloon
Pig Headed Hot Air Balloon
Fred B Rabbit Hot Air Balloon

Meteor Crater Flight
Letchworth State Park, NY Gorge Flights
Shooting the Delaware Water Gap PA/NJ
Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Amarillo, TX
Red Rock Balloon Festival, Gallup, NM
2007 Switzerland Balloon Festival
Dawn Patrol Flights
Splash-N-Dash Flights
Fried Photogrpaher Pictures

Chariot Balloons
Keith's Cameron Duo Chaiot
Balloon Flights in 3D

Aerostar Aurora Balloons
Aerostar S55A (77K) Balloons
Aerostar S57A (90K) Balloons
Aerostar S60A (105K) Balloons
Aerostar S66A (141K) Balloons

Aerostar RX6 (56K) Balloons
Aerostar RX7 (77K) Balloons
Aerostar RX8 (90K) Balloons
Aerostar RXS8 (105K) Balloons
Aerostar RX9 (126K) Balloons

Balloon Parachute Artwork
Balloon Pictures from the Bottom
Red, White & Blue Balloons
Arrow Design Balloons
Flame Design Balloons

Parachute Drop Pictures
List of University Balloons
FLIR Balloons Pictures (Infrared heat picture)
Flytec Instruments Info Page
Digitool Instruments Info Page

How to make a Hot Air Balloon
How to make a Tetrahedron Hot Air Balloon
How to put turning vents into a Hot Air Balloon
Envelope / Basket Retrieval Cart
Hot Air Balloon Crew Training

Bonnie, our Dog
Critters at our front door
Mark Sproul's Observatory
Mark & Keith's GAIA Star Database Project
Keith Sproul's N-Scale Trains Winds Aloft

Created 3/22/2024
Modified 7/25/2024
© Copyright Keith Sproul